Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Encyclopedia Butthurt

So, in case you haven't been keeping up, Encyclopedia Dramatica got itself a cookie cutter Webbie board and an IRC channel to boot! So I decided to go on over and check 'em out! I was banned from the forums in less than two days. Reason for the ban? None given. Srsly, their reason for banning me was pure, mass level, BUTT HURT.

Apparently it came as somewhat of a surprise to the other regs as I was still chatting in the IRC channel and everyone thought it was a little odd since I hadn't done anything mean or nasty to anyone there and was actually contributing to the lulz on a variety of topics...I guess though the one who did the banning was some tweenage muppet fuck by the name of "mthrfkn" (real original there).

I guess I fucked the kid's mother or something, because I was informed that he had some massive hard on for me and was absolutely ENRAGED when he found out I was posting and I guess got even moar upset when he found out that every other reg in the froup wasn't frothing over me in hatred like he was.

I think part of what makes the kid so angry and upset is that he can dish it, but he sure the fuck can't take it, and the fact that I can, well, it just drives him bonkers.

So anyway, flash forward a few weeks later and I uncover a massively EPIC LOLcow the likes of which hasn't been seen since CWC...I mean I'm talkin about a kook so gawd damn epic she PRAYS TO GOD TO MAKE HER A MERMAID! And she recently turned 20! Yeah, I kid you fucking not, this girl is like the female version of Chris. I made a page for her here:
Megan Squiers

So, being that I'm a fairly nice guy all around I decided it would be pretty pig headed of me not to share with other trolls, so I went on over to the ED IRC channel and posted a bit about the girl and everyone got real excited and someone said they would make a post for me on the forums after I got all the data compiled and sorted out for maximum LOLs. So I agreed and logged off. A couple days later, after I built the before mentioned site, I went back to the IRC channel to tell them all about it, only when I got there the user "mthrfkn" was there and apparently in massive need of a tampon as he just instantly started tryin to jump all over me with inane bullshit and trying to "attack" me with 5th rate, grade school bullshit whilst frothing on at the mouth like I killed his family or fucked his sister or something. So, being me, of course I just laughed at the little goober and made fun of him, which I guess was too much for the kid to handle so he got all spastic and banned me from the IRC channel like he did on the forums.

Now, yes, I could fire up some proxies and just go right back and start posting or chatting in IRC, but I got to thinkin about it and I figured...ya know...why should I? I mean the whole purpose of Encyclopedia Dramatica is ~supposed~ to be all about documenting, tracking, and exploiting LULZ all over the grid, which was exactly what I was giving them, practically going out of my way really to give it to them and to share epic material that I really didn't have to...and what do I get for my massively incredible contributions? Yeah, butthurt, massive fuckin butthurt.

So no, I'm not going to waste my time on ignorant tweenagers who have no real interest in LULZ, they're far too busy banning each other and stepping all over themselves for unwarranted self importance on their little shit stain of a Webbie board. To the point where, as I came to find out, is apparently some kind of a major problem they're having, where the regs keep senselessly banning their own users left and right for no reason at all, other than the fact that they're all mostly butthurt and can't handle being on the receiving end.

The group they've made really doesn't have any genuine interest at all in the art of trolling or kookology, they just want to run around trying to pick on people slightly kookier than they are so they can try and feel better about how incredibly fucking pathetic they all are. Kookologists they are not.


Keith said...


Rafael Minuesa said...

Hi Onideus,

Thanks for a good laugh.
Again ...

Take care.

Keith said...

fag avbove me lmao

Onideus said...

...apparently it doesn't take much to entertain a 12 year old. Not sure what he's doing on my blog though, what with the adult rating and all. I'm guessing his neglectful parents are using the Internet as his babysitter. I ought to send them a bill for it. ^__^

Keith said...


Rafael Minuesa said...

To dimwit Keith,

Decide whether you want to use a "b" or a "v".
I'd recommend a "b", you dork.
Apart from that you can kiss my underwear once it is so worn out that I'm not bothering washing it again.

Using frames to inject malware is not such a good idea and it is so pathetically 2oo7ish ...

I have serious doubts on whether I'm talking to the same person since apparently "Keith" is the only punk (apart from me) who posts any comments here ...
Isn't that kind of depressing?
I'm getting all sad now, this defeats my purpose of getting a good laugh.
Bye ...

Onideus said...

What malware?

Keith said...

raged :7)

Anonymous said...

You seem like a very sad person, who while stating many times not caring what other people thing, repeatedly try to do everything in your power to get attention to yourself.

I feel sorry for you.

Onideus said..., the fuckin loser who spent his Christmas Eve reading and whining on about *MY* blog is trying to say that *HE* "feels sorry" for *ME*.


Yeah, I think maybe it's the other way around there, Kiddo. Well...actually no, I guess, seeing as how I really couldn't give a rats ass about you one way or the other. Although it is really amusing that you spent your Christmas Eve whining about me and my shit.

It's also pretty hysterical that he's trying to accuse *ME* of looking for attention, when *HE* came *HERE* to *MY* blog, lookin to start shit with *ME*.

LOL, and it's not as if I've *EVER* had any shortage of it either, what with all the stupid fuckin Hatter Addicts running around, not to mention the endless hoards of stupid people out and about making asses out of themselves at every given opportunity, desperately seeking to burn my posts out of butthurt and bitchiness.

Quite frankly, I'd actually be *HAPPIER* with *LESS* of that retarded attention. I mean if you don't like my art, hey, it's not like someone is holding a gun to yer great big, fat, ugly stupid head and forcing you to read and reply to my every fuckin post.

Do me a favor and just shut yerself the fuck up for my benefit! Seriously, if you don't like my art...hey guess what? Yeah, I don't really give a fuck! Amazing how *THAT* works, innt? Yeesh, I'm gonna nickname this retard "Stumbles", I think that describes his projectionist, fumbling idiocy pretty good.