Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh Shi-

LOL, check out the lulz!
Encyclopedia Butthurt

Wooo!! *nods*

I especially liked the part where Mthrfckn jumps in and starts crying about how it was really someone else whose the pussy. *snicker* Yeah, nice save there, Fumbles. I think what he meant to say was that he's not able to make like a pussy himself, so he PM'd some mommy moderator and asked them to do it for him.

The part where he starts posting links to my blog is also real funny. Apparently he's quite the fan boi. I mean it's not like I go around posting the address of this blog all over the web, it's mostly intended just for Netters and as such it's primarily only posted in my Usenet .sig.

Not sure why they're reading it though, my blog isn't for my mouthy haters and Hatter Addicts, it's meant for people who actually *ENJOY* my work, not for those who get all butt hurt and pissy about it.

I did just notice something particularly odd though...they don't own them. The web board I mean, it's a cookie cutter bullshit setup, probably a freebie one at that. Check it out:

Might be fun to go over their ToS and see if I can't get them to lose their little freebie board. That'd be *REALLY* funny, not to mention ironic. As I've always said, you should never do to anyone what you wouldn't want done to yourself, so since they like banning people so much, well, maybe the same ought to be done to them? I think it'd be a good lesson...although granted the ED kids are a lot like CWC, they don't really seem to learn at all from their verbal ass kickings.

They're not much for kookology and lulz either, most of them are just in it so they can try and feel all self superior. Srsly, they recently had a whole fuckin multiple page forum thread all about how posting on ED makes them feel important. *snicker* I'll see if I can find the link to it, if I can, I'll do an update to this article.

In the mean time, enjoy the lulz of them bitching and whining about being exposed as gutless fuckin PUSSIES. Not that it was really new news or anything, but I guess the little goobers just weren't aware at all of how the rest of the Internet looks at them. ^__^

There was just a post by some guy named Dr. TL:DR whose reposting my blog entries on ED along with the text:
"didnt read it but im sure it's pretty gay"

LOL, as if I'd really expect any of them to be able to. I mean it's not exactly like I go out of my way to try and dumb my work down to the 4th grade reading level. Pretty much unless yer a college graduate yer gonna have a hard time getting through most of my posts. Either because you'll encounter too many "big words" or because yer Ritalin wears off by the time you get to the second sentence.

I found it!

An Elite Internet Club

LOL, also check out the latest post from mthrfckn where he's all, "ZOMG DON'T GIVE HIM ANY ATTENTION!!1!"


Yeah, like that's gonna make me lose interest in fucking around with yer idiot froup for shits and giggles. This kid is obviously seriously the fuck out of his league, he really has no fuckin cl00 at all.


Keith said...

didnt read lol

Onideus said...

Well of course you didn't read it. My writing rarely caters to those of such intellectual deficiency. I don't see any point in dumbing my incredible art down to your 4th grade reading level, you fumbling dipshit. Hell bells, you've probably only enough Ritalin to get you through the first sentence or two before your mind starts to wander on off into the land of retards.

I suppose I could hire someone to stand over you and randomly bitch slap you up long side yer fat ugly thickheadedly stupid skull every other couple minutes, but honestly, it's not as if READING is the same as COMPREHENDING anyway. I mean even a fuckin monkey can read, but that doesn't mean that they actually understand any of it.

Nah, I think it's best that you just run along and play, child. Put it down. You're done. Time for bed. You don't need to worry yourself about my writing, my art, it's really not for mental amputees like yourself, those who have such an incredible poverty of intellect.

Really, at best, all you are is a convenient canvas for my incredibly ingenious invective word art. And you should be happy for that. You're serving a purpose after all, which is quite rare for those of such astounding stupidity like yourself.

Keith said...

nerd above me lmao

Keith said...

look how raged you are ahahaha

Onideus said...

..."raged", huh? So, let me see if I got this right...all this time you've been trying to "troll" me into making you look liak a complete fuckin retard?

...cause uh, honestly...well I really didn't need much an invitation there, kiddo. *nods*

It is kind of cute though, how in your puerile level of intellect you associate anger with the number of words on the screen. *snicker* Like I said, yer really not all that bright, are you?

Keith said...

ahahahaha lmao hahahahaahaHahahah

Keith said...

fat nerd trolled again AGAIN ahahahaajhjhh

Onideus said...

I like how he has to put on such a comedic display to attempt to try and convince everyone that he's actually enjoying his horrible verbal ass blistering.

Srsly, he's *LAUGHING* everybody, he uh...he just needs to make sure you all know that...srsly...oh and don't worry, he'll be sure to post regular updates on my blog about how much *FUN* he's supposedly having...what with getting a verbal boot planted firmly up his tight little asshole.


Yeah, he's just *REALLY* enjoying it! ^__^